What to Wear on Christmas Eve + Bonus: What to Wear on Christmas Day


What to Wear on Christmas Eve + Bonus: What to Wear on Christmas Day

Hi there, Tina here.

I want to make sure you’re not stressing over your outfits for the next few days, especially for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. Let’s take a moment to see what you already have in your wardrobe. If you’re missing anything, don’t worry—you still have time to get it shipped overnight. Once your outfit is sorted, I want you to take a deep breath and focus on what truly matters: the blessings in your life. Think about who you can bring joy to, even if it’s just with a smile or a quick phone call. Go love on your family and pray for our world to find hope in the season. Remember, clothes are just clothes, but they do hold memories—so let’s make sure you look as beautiful as you are, leaving a lasting impression that your children and grandchildren will cherish, not chuckle at. Now, let’s get you looking your best!


For my Insiders, I’ve added an exclusive segment, What to Wear on Christmas Day. You can find it by heading over to the Insider page.

What to Wear on Christmas Eve

Growing up, Christmas Eve in my home was always a special occasion. We’d dress up for a sit-down dinner before heading to the midnight service. I still cherish the tradition of seeing everyone dressed up on this special evening. It’s a beautiful way to honor the day and create lasting memories, especially for the little ones who will carry on these traditions in the future.

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If dresses aren’t your thing, don’t worry. Just add a touch of something a bit dressier than your usual jeans, like a pair of fun pants paired with a casual sweater.


And don’t forget your jewelry! It doesn’t have to be fine jewelry, but adding a little something like a pearl necklace can make the day feel even more special.

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